About Us
Caregivers you can trust
Feel better in the comfort of your own home. We pride ourselves in delivering person centred care and daily living assistance to an array of individuals. Whether you need daily or weekly assistance due to aging, illness, recovery or rehabilitation, our caregivers will provide an individualised service that you can trust. We enable you to have the highest standard of home care in a surrounding that you are comfortable with.
Why Choose Evergreen Care
Evergreen Care have been providing care for over 7 years maintaining a strong ethos of family and togetherness. We understand that everyone’s care needs are different so each service user has a care package that is tailored to their specific needs and requirements, ensuring that the care is of the highest standard possible.
We offer a wide range of homecare services
Home Care
Also known as Domiciliary Care, centred around supporting your personal needs in a surrounding that you are familiar with.
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Live In & Night Care
There are times when you may require more care, be it only at night or for the whole day. Providing you with an alternative to moving to a care home or retirement home.
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Specialist Care
When you need a more specialised type of care such are Dementia, Stroke, Physical disabilities to name a few, we are here to help
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Respite & Holiday Care
No matter how long or short our Respite and Holiday care provides you with flexible service so you are always supported.
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Meet the team
Get to know the people behind Evergreen
Get in touch to book or to enquire
Contact us and speak to one of our experience office staff for a no obligation chat regarding the care needs for you or your loved one.